
Be Strong Disheveled Entity

be strong disheveled entity

with church and empire fused to throne

who strays to bundle hay on cockrells\' back

now god has summoned horse-reel tooth and stone

but not for she nor the virgin on her back

(to die to rise above the slack)

to pen with papered sword one village black

for man and mule to hack bell-peppers horn;


be strong the pilgrims plight on primrose hill

that stills the cancers borrowed bouys from the chained sea

for boy and me to age as sinking skin

beneath gods robe of lambs-tongue krill and tailored suit

sail whip-lash through the bladder of the eyes

to channel apes to pentogram of weed

to seed the doubled coin of headless shrimp;


it is time to summer oak a winters tale

now I have see the reaper grim as merrowed edge

a fledgling combing fabric of my bed sheet

I have made no pledge to dress as death nor creature

comfort high adoring eyes on the knuckled meat

to weave behind the bell-hook incarnation

to be as one with the undead giant bloodborne;


be still be calm these seas that fuel my blood-itch

now I have seen the reaper grin and bare his idle hands

for the touching of the sacred scarecrows country glands

to swell my windows crave for tree of fig: