
Light Of Life

Tune: Albinus

(\'Jesus lives! thy terrors now\')

1 Corinthians 15 v.55-58


O death, where it be, your sting?

Christ His victory does us bring

Where, O grave, your victory?

Christ has triumphed over death, see



The sting of death, sin it is

Strength of sin it is the law, this

Is true, but thanks to God be

Through Christ He gives us victory



\'Tis through Him, our Lord Jesus

Christ, who suffered, died, rose for us

Therefore we can be steadfast

Doing good works that shall sure last



Be unmoveable, always

Holding to this hope through all days

Abounding in the work here

Of the Lord, knowing He is near



For this much you can know, your

Labour in him, it is ne\'ermore

Lost nor vain, bur plan, purpose

He has in each detail for us
