No one can understand really

The effects of one’s way

How frugal may be the cause

But how can we ever say?


Do no discard don’t dare

Save for a rainy day you must prepare

Bad weather there is always it seems

You must never splurge but that’s not fair!


No fun, no games, no jokes oh boy

But you must play ball, be tough and throw out a line

How can there be one way to see life only?

This is not right and it’s not at all fine


Thoughtfulness, kindness and caring is so easy

But why never and only take, take, take?

Angry, sadness and loneliness how that has shine through

This is not real, it’s fake, fake, fake!


How are you? What can I do for you?

So simple, so easy, so clear

It’s not all about me I promise

You can make life so much sweeter my dear


It takes two to conquer 

Teamwork, togetherness can beat most all

Competition is not what we promised

In the end you will not win, but we will fall


Give and take is not easy

It’s not always the way you may like it

Patience and love is earned and such a gift

When it exists and is real it all seem to fit


Work to live

But work to play

Without the laughs and pleasure

Your love will surely not stay


Mom is  the Queen

Shouldn’t this be the rule?

How is this not be

Could it be a mistake or just oh so cruel!


Water it and it shall grow

Shower with sparkle and shine

You will see how this works

It’s no surprise you will be a friend of mine


What will I do for someone today?

What should I accomplish?

Success is a plan of thoughts

Go ahead, and make a wish!


The world is so big, so much to see and do

But waiting for you I will never know

We should experience life and create a bond

Take charge, live it up, don’t settle for so-so