Samer Amin

The Uttermost Stupidity



It doesn\'t matter if you really love him or not.



It is more than enough to appease him with your physical ritual ceremonies alone.



Physical movements mean a lot to him,



because genuine affection and sincere love are so invisible, and unfortunately, no one might see them except him.



Do not forget he cares more about the others who are supposed to witness and bear a solemn testimony to your spectacular faithful deeds as well.



It doesn\'t matter if you love your neighbor as you love yourself or not,



still your ritual practice, in their due form, means a lot to him,



because your neighbor doesn\'t deserve to be loved anyway,



since he doesn\'t share you the same personal beliefs.



It does not matter at all to be a true helper or a genuine supporter,



in times of hardships and adversities, for the vulnerable or the needy people.



What really matters is to stay a faithful adherent to your dignified ritual practices,



because those needy individuals are the main cause of their current misery,



due to their bad decisions and their uttermost stupidity.



It doesn\'t matter at all that you should have a well-established logical rational belief in him.



What really matters is to follow the mob blindly wherever they go,



because it is virtually impossible to assume that all these herds are wrong except you.



It does not matter to pay any attention to his visual word in nature when he tries to speak directly about his glory.



It is much better to listen to the idiots and the feeble-minded individuals when they talk about him,



since he could not speak eloquently or make himself clear in his visual messages,



which have taken the form of this material universe.



Believe me it does not matter at all to love him or love his world, 



it is better to be a worshiper of hatred than a worshiper of the Unconditional Lover.



a worshiper of hatred who faithfully represents his imaginary pagan god,



not the real God of love who speaks about his glory in every single atom in his extremely expressive universe.