
A broken heart

One day a man and woman fell in love and got together
After the first few months they said let this be forever
During the days they would hold hands and party with family and friends
During the nights holding one another kissing till movies end
After the first year they decided to have a baby
He proposed to the young woman and turned her into his lady
During the birth there were complications doctor replied I think the baby will be fine
Newly father and mother hugging tight ready to celebrate their new baby with a toast of wine
Soon there young one showed signs of sickness
They rushed to the hospital hoping the doctor knew how to deal with this
The doctor took the child coming back later saddened saying I dont have a remedy
Mom breaks down crying the dad prays for some type of longevity
During the following years mom and dad battle to find a cure..a new ether
While the baby lays in its crib getting weaker
Baby turns four still weak but now walking
But something is wrong the child isn\'t talking
Father dives down to find ways help and fix it...he is getting bolder
The mothers heart is hurting...she is getting colder
The following month things took a turn in the wrong direction their precious child\'s health started to regress
The father seeing the issues and holding on to hope but the sadness he feels in his heart he did his best to repress
Soon after the child gets a tumor desperate parents rushing to the hospital
The doctor scooping up the baby with a depressed eye mumbling to the parents I dont know how the child will get over this obstacle
The doctor comes out with tears in his eyes
He hugs the mother and father whispers I will let you say your goodbyes
They get home not a word was said

father breaks down in a chair crying and screaming our baby is dead
The mom puts down two glasses and two bottles saying with her makeup running down her face let\'s drink to our child
Father picks up the glass and replied up in heaven running wild
Father wakes up sees a note from his wife that said I couldn\'t take the sadness anymore so I\'m leaving on the next flight
The father shot himself at eleven that night