The path of life is divided
After my dad\'s untimely passing
My mind became a barren land
No thought process could compute
No action could complete
I had to leave my place of work
I shouldn\'t have driven
I just couldn\'t function
The bottle was calling
My face awash with tears
I\'m of strong character
I resisted the temptation of oblivion
I didn\'t allow the evils to consume me
I clawed my way back to reality
Through hours of a patient ear listening to my wails
I returned to work
A shell of a being of the person I was
As much as I loathed verbal exchanges
With strangers
I continued with determination
Many many years later
I\'m a changed person
I forge my way through with positivity
I enjoy time with those who understand me
I have found a way to voice my life
Through the art of putting pen to paper
And I Won\'t let the buggers beat me....