Mariel Ilagan


I\'m done taking control
And I\'ll just go with the flow
Wherever the currents may bring me
I welcome any storm and undertow
As I\'d been in a massive riptide
And violent waves do subside
I\'m done taking control 
I know I\'ll still make it to the shore

I duck my head beneath the water
Where everything is mute and calm
But not drifting too far away from 
The rough seabed full of debris
I\'m done stressing about
What ifs and what could have been
As I let sharp rocks and jagged reef
Gash my skin and bare feet

Rilke says no feeling is final
So I embrace both beauty and terror
Blissful days and nights of malaise
It doesn\'t have to always get better
I\'d like to live in the moment
Not heeding what the future holds
Whatever is meant for me will find me
The rest can just go