Mariel Ilagan

Generational Trauma

Wish I didn\'t 
Grow up to be
This afraid
Wish I had a childhood
Where love feels easy
And home means safe
The more I tried
To not end up
Like my parents
The more the
Generational trauma 
Cut me deep
In many ways
They may have had
Good intentions
But they never knew
How bad they hurt me
With their projections
All that damage
Handed down
From past generations
Wish I could stop 
Falling for men 
Who are spitting images 
Of my father
Wish I could do my best
To break the cycle
And be a caring
And loving mother
I wish my future children 
Will be free from
All the burden
From my past
Wish I could unlearn 
Destructive habits
And these toxic patterns
I hope, won\'t be passed