
Faith Focus

Tune: Sandys

(\'Teach me, my God and King\')


Look, heart, unto the LORD

And e\'er hear His true word

Commit all to him in prayer here

He shall to you draw near


What it be that does fret

Or does trouble you yet

His peace He shall give, you shall know

It, His comfort shall flow


Peace, heart and mind be still

And trust to God\'s good will

His plan, timing for every thing

And forgetting nothing


Help us, Lord, where we can

In helping fellow-man

To show of you in word and deed

That you be seen and heard


There opportunities

Evangelism, see

In some shape or form, preach, teach, heal

For all neighbour\'s good weal* (*well-being)


What matters, Christ be seen

Not our plans swift or keen

But sharing something of Christ\'s love

The Spirit, holy dove