Simple Tendencies


I hope you\'re happy

I hope your finger slides on the checkbook

and the account number is smeared with the blood

oozing from the open cut.


I hope you\'re happy.

That your trips to work 

are full of bumper-to-bumper traffic

that makes you just late enough that your boss

questions your loyalty to the brand.


I hope you\'re happy.

I hope the center console stabs your back

when you ride bitch in your brother\'s 

truck on the way to your favorite cousin\'s

coming out party.

Y\'know. The one you invited me to, before.


I hope you\'re happy.

I hope there\'s always rain on your vacation days 

and that the stars only shine where you aren\'t

and the wind blows your house down

and your car won\'t start when you have a presentation

and your womb dies a cold, lonely death

like the finger of winter strikes into your body

the way you struck me.


I hope you\'re happy

knowing I could be what you wanted

what you needed

without realizing how 






I hope you\'re happy.

Because I know I\'m not.