
Seeking Sincerely

Tune: University

(\'The church of God a kingdom is\')

Psalm 24 v.1-6


The earth is the LORD\'s, and all in

It, all contained therein

And too they that do in it dwell

They are the LORD\'s, we tell


He founded he earth on the seas

Made it as He did please

Established it on the waters

On all He life confers


Who shall ascend His holy hill?*

And who worship Him still?

Who shall stand in His holy place?

Whate\'er nation or race


They that have clean hands and pure heart

They not from Him apart

They who not follow vanity

They not deceitful be


They shall receive from Him blessing

Prosper in each good thing

They shall receive His righteousness

Welcomed by Him no less


These are they that do seek His face

And they His mercies trace

They shall know Him, His salvation

Whate\'er class or station


* Ascending the \'holy hill\' in Jerusalem,

that leads up to God\'s Temple.