

I know you’ll never look at me the way I look at you

We’re friends but I want something more

But I’ll never say anything

Cause I don’t want our friendship to be through


I know what kind of girls you’re into

And even if I don’t fit the description

A girl can dream, even if it breaks her heart


You’re my dream, you’re my fantasy

Even if we’ll never be more than friends

You’ll always be my definition of perfection


You’re beautiful, inside and out

And I might never tell you

But I’ve always loved you

Since the very moment we became friends


You know me better than anyone

You know what makes me laugh

And what makes me cry

So thank you for everything you’ve done for me


You always find a way to make my heart flutter

And skip a beat once or twice

But you’ll never know it

Cause I can only love you from afar


Baby don’t ever change

Because you’re perfect just the way you are

And the girl you’ll eventually marry

Will be the luckiest of them all

Cause she somehow stole your heart


Together we’ve been to hell and back

We’ve gone through thick and thin

But you never left my side

And always held my hand


I might never tell you this

But you’re the best that happened to me

Though you take my breath away

You’re the reason I’m still breathing


I can’t count all the times

That you held me while I cried

And even if we’re miles apart

You’ll never leave my heart


We may not talk for months

But when we finally do

It’s like nothing changed

And we haven’t been apart for more than a day


I’ll always love you unconditionally

With your flaws and your quirks

Because I know you love me too

But in a different kind of way


But that’ll always be enough

Because being your friend

Will be always better than being nothing


You’ll never read this

So it’s easy to be honest

Because I know if I told you

We would never be the same


So thank you for being my friend

And always believing in me

I will never be able to repay that debt

But let’s hope my love will be enough


Dear my best friend

You’ve never been just a friend to me

But having you in my life in any way

Will be more than I ever deserved


So as long as you stay

I will always be satisfied.