Heart of Babel

[ Fortitude ]

Life is a blessing

But I won’t disguise when I feel beaten

Won’t pretend all is well

When I am feeling weakened

Acknowledging your pain

Is not the same as being victim

It is leading by example

And turning your pain into a wisdom


For how much more joy is counted

Then to those who’ve overcome

From a sorrow overbearing

Never letting their heart numb

We have all felt these burdens

To sorrows, once succumb

But yet it’s through the time of healing

That we transform who we’ll become


So don’t you fret when feeling beaten

Don’t you hide your pain away

There’s a world that needs assistance

That is looking for a way

If you can’t be an example

At least don’t be a dismay

For that will lead you down a road

That doesn’t lead to anything


It’s about breaking free

Not staying in the chains

Not sitting there, wallowing

Soaked by the pouring rains

As hard as it may sound

Only you can hold the blame

Only you control yourself

And how you respond is what you claim


So I’m telling you, right now

The fortitude is yours

No matter your current burdens

You can overcome this war

By tending to your wounds

Resting when you’re sore

Keep rising when you fall

Until the day that you’re restored


Come to be the pillar

Bastioned and secured

So when the waves are observed crashing

All will marvel how you endured

How you faced your struggles

How you faced your fears

How you never wavered

Because you chose to persevere


And when the storm has passed

Though weak, you’re not weary

You do not dwell within despair

All clouded and dreary

And instead still show of passion

Hopeful and clearly

Ready to heal from the wounds

That have cut you severely


Because you have the strength

To rise back to your feet

To stand your ground

When the earth shakes beneath

To not let hurt define you

Even when it repeats

To be a beacon to the world

That will not fall to defeat


© GaratheDen

© HeartOfBabel