Samer Amin

None other than Yourself




Seeing you on your horseback.




Traversing the rough terrain, sparks are emitting from your horse\'s hooves.




Gasping for breath, your horse\'s breaths, stirring the silence of the vast expanse.




Rivaling the glowing sunlight, your glowing shield, when it shines on the horizons.




Casting terror into the heart of the terror itself, your amputator sword, when you wave it, shining bright, under the blazing sun.




Blowing the earth with your wild horse\'s hooves, I can feel the trembling ground.




like lightning falling from a furious thunderous sky, shocking heavens and earth, in a fit of horrific tremor, when you rush towards the fortified castle.




Feelings uncontrollable terror, in their hearts, the castle guards, immediately show their loyalty and bow in awe.




Rushing towards the underground prison, unlocking the rusty bars, out of unparalleled compassion, setting free the prisoner for life.




Getting out of the fortified castle, in allegiance, everyone falls to his knees, rushing with the prisoner on the back of your horse.




Racing the winds, with the prisoner on the back of your horse, who was none other than yourself.