Ishika Gautam

The Drop\'s Love

I was misdirected a lot,
By this feeling pronounced as happiness,
In this wet weather,
There was no name for dullness,
Those tears of the rain,
Chose to drop on the leaf,
Where they made a group,
And motivated my beliefs,
They cherished it so hard,
And then interwined there,
A big drop was more like love,
For everyone who needs to share,
The love for that lonely leaf,
Which was not a habit of it,
It was astonished of being chosen,
But love was not the right fit,
It saw the drop as a pressure,
A pressure of what it deserved,
The leaf dropped the tear of rain,
For where its love was reserved,
In the surface of puddle,
Where its love should be,
It was right there,
And the leaf and drop both felt glee.