L. B. Mek

of Geometrical Substance or Mode


Seek ye, a shortcut to wisdom

I offer you 

what Spinoza - so fit, to bequeath


begin with reading his Ethics

raw and unfiltered

make that first connection, direct

if you last five pages, reward yourself…


Now, forget all that futile philosophy 

and Time wasting, metaphysical theorising

instead, go out 

enjoy your experience of existence


eventually – inevitability, when you get bored

come back to Spinoza’s words, guaranteed

this time, you’ll read more pages

but understand: even less

try to accept, this is as it should be


and next time, your cognitive capabilities

have been grinded into quicksand

purchase a study guide

that adds context and demonstrates, why

Spinoza chose his frustrating methods 


again, you’ll need time away

to escape more of frustration’s headaches  

have fun, forget complexity 

blend-in with that herd mentality

escapism, of subservient simplicity.


Soon, you’ll have drunk heartily 

at that inked fountain of questioning knowledge 

from our greatest champion 

of humility’s, sincerity of innate veracity 

and all-things: empathetically humane.


Rinse and repeat, till you can open your eyes

and drink-in, your new found sensitivity 

to that abundant, Nature 

you’ve been too busy: to heed


blink twice, trust

in your new found capacity 

to see beyond, those mirage aesthetics

of life.



© L. B. Mek

August 2021