

You aren\'t required to tittle-tattle from dawn till dark light
No need to wish him good morning or good night.
No calls no chatting is a way to go
It isn\'t needed for you to fake to share his pain or sorrows

You are not entitled to cry when he loses his job, for you are the reason for his loss
Neither should you be worrying anything about his career or work

Never should you hug him when you meet him or depart 
Or accompany him for a morning walk.

Neither should you plan any vacation with him
Forget about the parties, they are a sin

Please do not cook or arrange transfers for him
There are people closer to him to do everything for him

Never accompany him to a doc or a coffee shop
For you are the one destroying this soul

You are not required to be emotionally connected to him anymore
All that you thought you had now was never yours

That birthday was special planned to celebrate in our own coziness
Which you interrupted with your ungraceful presence

He has a hundred layers and you won\'t be able to uncover even five
He was in disguise to save most precious relationship of his life

Simply leave him alone and never indulge and get emotional
He is precious and  is levels above your personality, looks or intellect
That something you can never match

Do not take away his precious time
Or track his whereabouts
Or try to know every detail of his life

Never visit his home 
This weekend or the life to come
The weekends are precious
Designed to be mine

Please mind your own business and completely disconnect with him
Else be ready to get destroyed`