Pacifique Niyitanga

Find The One

I just need someone;
To stay with me when I\'m alone,
Erase the mistakes I\'ve done;
Someone to clean my name for everyone,
And stay in my place when I am gone.

So find me the one;
The one who will not judge my past,
And never use my present as just a post, 
A trustworthy soul to guide my soul,
A loyal heart to trust with my life.

I just need somebody;
Not just to please my body,
But to perfectly fit in my life melody;
The one who takes love as a remedy,
And ready enough to be more than my buddy.

So find me the one;
Crazy enough to fit in with no feasts,
A mirror that will present manners without minors,
Someone to live with our grandparents\' time,
Find me a laughter- buddy.

I just need a real partner,
One who\'s gonna stay forever;
Smile, cry, grow and die together; 
One who can cool my temper and fever,
Care about me and treat me well, not a cheater.

So find me the one;
Who will not condemn my perceptions,
Someone who is down for this journey,
The one who will look me in the eyes and say: 
I am all in, let\'s do this baby.