Samer Amin

The Throne of the Joyful Delight




From the depths of the confining darkness at the bottom of the well of sorrow,




I ascend to the throne of the joyful delight, and come back to you.




Amid the pool of the blood of my wounds,




I gain my life again, and return to your healing bosom.




After so many years of aimless wandering in the middle of the barren desert of the existential alienation,




I could distinguish my way around, and return to the arms of your tenderness.




After staying a lifetime in the thick dark layers of the caves of neglect, in the valleys of oblivion,




under the black sky of the depressing bitter winter, I could hear your soothing voice,




showing me the way, through the intricate caves of the dark maze.




I come back to you because I am the words of your book,




and the lines of your destiny, written on the palms of your hands.




I am your soul and your innermost core, and your years that have been mingled into my years.




I am the empty hall in which your enchanting voice is still echoing.




and the musical instrument whose strings are still vibrating because of your fascinating breath.




I belong to you, and the barren desert of the existential alienation is going to turn into a mother\'s hug,




when your compassionate tears fill the well of sadness,




from which I will ascend to the throne of the joyful delight, and come back to you.