
Governing Graces

Tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north, rejoice\')

Psalm 67


God to us show mercy

Bless us, shine on us free

Turn unto us your face

Grant to us your good grace

That your way on the earth be known

Your saving health and goodness shown


It be your salvation

Shown unto each nation

Let people, O God, praise

You, all people, and raise

Glad songs of worship to your name

Which be of all-enduring fame


O let the nations be

Glad in you joyously

For you shall judge people

With your righteousness all

And govern nations upon earth

All shall give you tribute and worth


Yes, let people praise you

O God, holy and true

E\'en all peoples do praise

You throughout all their days

Then shall the earth yield her increase

And prospeiry never cease


And God, who our God be

Shall bless us, we shall see

That earth to farthest ends

Shall fear Him, each one rends

To Him their praise, in awe, humbly

God governs earth eternally