Little girl
Don\'t carry the weight of the world
All by yourself
Let me help, while you rest and heal
You know I have never left
And never will
Oh little one
Let go of the burden of the unknown
All will be okay, in time
Just look at how far you\'ve come
Keep your head up and enjoy the sun
The rest should be easy and fun
My inner child
I see you and I\'m proud
You\'re not invisible
Take my hand and feel my warmth
Who cares if I\'m all that you have
I\'ll always make you feel seen and loved
You are special
You are enough
Never let them make you feel what you\'re not
They can all come and go
But as long as you got me
Please don\'t ever feel alone
My little girl
I know you\'re scared
And so was I
But I got stronger for you
Nothing shall hurt you now, not on my watch
I promise you my child, everything will be alright