KJ Delaney

City Above the Sea


Carried by currents warmed by the sun,

remnants of the Atlantic’s azure waves

rise in their dance to deliquesce.

Gravity, the enemy of coalescence, wages war

with the troposphere to return these ancient aeronauts to

the depths.

But with the firmament, a welcoming host

they find; arms open to gather

them in a cool embrace.

Now crystal, reformed and born anew,

the travelers huddle together and begin to build.

First, a reflection of the surface upon which they will lay their roads.

Next, shapes that stretch from horizon to heaven, grouped so to protect

the developing infrastructure.

The forms solidify and darken at the edges, rolling with the tides that call to

those lost.


as the metropolis of stratus and stratocumulus grows and thrives.

There is a city above the sea

built to spite eternity.