

It\'s you and Him against the world.


The world is a struggle, a battle.

But it is a winning battle,

If you believe in He.


He completes.

He gives purpose.

He fills that dark, empty hole.


He gives life,

As the trees in green.

He takes life,

As the barren, wilted trees in white.

Leaves that flourish, oh so vital, fallen.


But do not lose hope!

He is the Reviver, the Sustainer.

The fallen leaves, the fallen trees

They regrow.

They grow to be stronger than ever,

Despite being knocked down, oh so hard.


As the seasons and years continue to pass,

They get knocked down again,

and again and again.

But they endure. They rise back up.

They get better, they get harder.

They stay grounded for longer before falling once more.


There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

There is relief.

There is a way out of this cycle of struggle.



Remember the battles faced.

Remember who got you through them.

Remember your purpose.

Remember He.


And believe,

Believe in the sustainer of life.

He makes easy what He wills easy.

He fills the empty vessel.


The winter trees that stand,

They exist, but they are empty.

Neither alive nor dead.

He brings green, He brings vitality.


This world, it is a grueling battle.

Grow to hate it.

It is the boulder blocking the light at the end of the tunnel.