Pandemic, viruses, maladies,
Oh! So pathetic.
Years of sins and offence,
We all couched in our houses apologetic.
Pre-pandemic days overlooked cleanliness,
Mis-spent those bygone days with carelessness.
Now, the pros of quarantine
Edifies the value of hygiene
Realizing the importance to be clean.
When the branches of the tree clashed,
The saplings got smashed.
But, the shedding leaves of the family tree
Have now united like a grist of bees.
Now I and we all regret,
The poison given to the nature.
The outcome of our misdeeds
Tit Tatting us and creatures.
The inertia of this pandemic,
Has left a great magic
Maybe a bit ironic, but
Yes! It has an ethic.
- Khushi Singh