
I want to be smart

I want to be smart

Is that so wrong?

I want people to look at me and think,

She\'s only 21?

I want to know more

Than those before

More words, more facts

More wisdom,

and more tacts

I want to be different

I want to stand out

My knowledge infinite

Without a doubt

I want to read

And write and learn

Recognition is what I hope to earn

It\'s selfish, I know

I do it for me

But life is short

And I don\'t want it to be

Writers start somewhere

and they know a lot

If that\'s gonna be me

I\'ve gotta take my shot

Cramming my brain

With new information

Because I plan to gain

Some education

If you all knew what I knew

Then I would be nothing

So I want to be smart

I want to be something