
Unwanted feelings!

Nowadays I\'ve been having a lot of mixed feelings,

One minute I feel tired,

The next I feel lost,

On other days I feel unwanted,

I feel hatred for everything,

I feel lonely,

I feel numb,


What is happening to me?


I find myself staring into thin air,

I find myself showing my parents contempt, I don\'t like it either,

I convince myself that everyone is looking at me,

And yet I\'m looking at myself too.


I\'m tired of these feelings,

I\'m tired of feeling this amount of pain,

I\'m tired of it all, whatever IT is.


I want, no I desire,

I desire to smile,

To laugh,

To love,

I want nothing but to be happy,

I want nothing but for these feelings to leave,

Why won\'t they take a hint?

I don\'t want them,

And I especially don\'t need them.