Nicholas Browning

A Lonely Thread


If ever there were a somber song

To play in a drunken ear,

That many may strive to resist

On an eve of day led long,

Aloof with mockery and fallen tears

This tune would yet persist.


Carried out like ink on parchment

Swayed along by its stroking brush,

People would soak their hallowed doubts

 Once more in its quivering confidence,

Discarding anew their greed and lust

In the chill of a November roundabout.


Accepting its flawed keys of note

Bathing in the base of drums,

Would it not inspire relief

Among the hopeless, and revoked;

Could its seduction not tempt one\'s thumbs

To pluck, as if chords could be seen?


Through hilarity and humility

It wavers in its course,

As laughter obscures intention

Sadness reveals direction,

And within that tone something grew;

Perhaps the red was woven blue.