Samer Amin

The Doors of the Impossible




When we knock on the doors of the impossible,




we cannot hear any satisfying answer in return,




except for a terrifying resounding thunder.




A booming thunder of a dire collapse.




The dire collapse of the Babylonian tower of our emotional aspiration.




The thick, fortified, nailed door that allows nothing to pass through.




Nothing is allowed to pass through that formidable gate,




except what exacerbates the wounds of our bleeding hearts at its doorstep.




The door that is decorated with the graves of the aspiring dreamers.




The martyrs who only managed to increase the robustness of its stubbornness.




The deceased dreamers who could only offer their fighting corpses as a kind of reinforcement nails.




The irrational dreamers who were the only victims of their unworldly expectations.




The extra-mundane expectations in the face of the daunting challenges and the insurmountable height of this timeless door.




The eternal door that always shows defiantly its ugly head,




whenever we try seriously to pursue our happiness in any possible direction.




Ironically, it usually takes advantage of our fervent efforts,




and use them as protective beams for its unbeatable fortification.




Since someone\'s failure to get through that gate,




can dissuade others from approaching those intimidating prestigious territories.




Courageous and serious efforts have turned into a mass deterrent that reinforces the unbeatable nature of that impossible door.




Regretfully, beyond that impossible door, exists the fountain of our happiness.




The source of our happiness that has been sought since the creation of the so-called hopes and dreams.