
Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation 
Most of the time I was very careful with my voice. 

Analyzing choice of words like they held the secrets of the universe, or could trigger Hiroshima like devastation.

Yet to you

I speak..

..A lot

Often It is as if the words convert to a forgotten language somewhere between my lips and your ears.

Like they have lost their way.

Pictures on cave walls open to interpretation, never quite correctly decoded.

I am blue in the face, Foolishly wasting breath.

 I study your facial expressions desperate for a sign of understanding.

But, There is none.

I keep rasing my voice louder repeating what I believe to be a simple communication. 

I am not okay
I am not okay

like perhaps it is not that you dont understand me.

Maybe you just CANT HEAR ME!!

My screams had the reverse effect 

So I resorted to silence.

And when I did 

we never spoke again....

Now I sit staring at glazed over eyes void of anything but my own reflection.

Which is funny..

Because I am the only thing that has ever really been consistent.

Years of searching to find nothing is untouched by time.

And, There I am again.

Just me.


Lost in translation.
