
On Growing Old

On Growing Old.


My joints and muscles creak

they feel feeble and weak

out of a chair I shunt

with a mournful grunt


My steps are careful and slow

I will get there I know

destination seems too far

should have taken the car


I wear a dental plate

because of all the sweets I ate

a sweet tooth my downfall

not many teeth left at all.


I take my daily pills

to help with all my ills

I have a jab collection

to guard against infection


Specs give vision clear

distance seen as well as near

my hearing, sound as a bell

I wear hearing aids as well


Climbing stairs I have to stop

to take a breath before the top

on climbing to the top stair

I look around and wonder why I\'m there


The joy of another day

to help me on my way

another thing to bless

the good old NHS