
Found and Lost

Found and Lost


One day on the subway, what a coincidence!

He ran into his ex girlfriend of long absence

Amid the jostle they crushed into embrace

And all the ecstasy came back like a short circuit

“Long time no see, if you like, if you think it suit,

We might as well, by the way, come to my place?”


Narrow and gloomy was his new apartment room

But they assumed the role of bride and bridegroom

They had loved and missed each other all the years

How they regretted waste time for cold wars and tears


A brilliant morning came and found him fast sleep

She, stealthily rose, leaving the door ajar, went ahead

to get some delicacy for a surprise breakfast in bed

Just as before, lovers’ trick and treat they would keep


She returned soon, with her hands full

0nly to find the door shut and locked

Had to, with her toe tip she knocked

And out of the keyhole a woman’s voice doubtful

“Who? For whom? What are you here for?”

“Terribly sorry, but I come to a wrong door.”


She had marked it on the fifth floor

With the door facing downstairs

The window blocked by a signboard

On which the letters WANKE flares

Back to the street she was dumbfound

 All the blocks seemed the same around


There must be hundreds of fifth floors

With windows blocked by signboards


There was nothing else that she could remember

not even what number to dial and call

had been too excited to exchange their phone number

 Now panic and despair began to fall

She lost touch with him again, probably for ever


When the time passed noon, starving, stressed  

She ate the breakfast bought for two, at a sit

Then she inquired the apartment management

the PA insurance company, even the police station

But they replied sternly

“we can not disclose personal information.”


Many a dusk finds the girl waiting at the terminal

In hope of another chance meeting as accidental

And the man, to and fro, at a loss as to why

She fled again, without ever saying goodbye