
Motive (27 April 2012)

What is Yours?

Is it Shine or Glory?

Or is it to be You?

Is it to avenge yourself

Do you drive your motive 

Or does your motive give way for your drive.


Are we letting the things we love define our drive ? 

Is \"Drive\" synonymous with Motive

What do we accomplish without a motive. 

Drive without motive is misplaced. 


How we follow our addictions

Should really be how we follow our motive.

Motive To Win

Motive to Love 

Motive to be Free.


Do You need a motive to show love?

Or do you need to be taught?

If hate is taught , then the same has to go for love.

Do you trust your motive ?

Do you trust it ?

Failure to trust your own motive is no different from losing your drive.


Trust in your instincts to find motive. 

Spread Love Essentially

Small acts give motive. 

The Motive To Love breeds Prosperity .