Bill Smith Parker Sr.

Her best life

She just wants a man who knows what he wants 
A man who shows he loves her by wanting to be with her most the time 
He looks forward to when she walks in the door 
Laughs at her when she gets mad at the silly things he does and he doesn’t bother to prove who’s wrong or who’s right 

A man who will never leave her a man who does the little things in her life 

She just wants a man she can trust and know will not break her heart 
He would never sleep with anyone else 
He doesn’t get mad when she’s sad 
Does t judge her for the things that’s out of her control 

She trust him and knows she loved 
Never questions his reasons or the confusion in his eyes 

She deserves a peaceful and practical home 
One with honesty and smiling 

She deserves nothing but the best