

Tune: Dominus Regit Me

(\'The King of love my Shepherd is\')

1 Peter 1 v.17-21


You call on God the Father, He

Without partiality

Judges each ones work righteously

Serve Him humbly, reverently


Pass the time of our earthly days

In godly fear, in His ways

Knowing this your temporary home

Until Christ for His people come


For you know you were not redeemed

With worldly things, though they gleamed

Nor saved through silver and gold things

They perish, though they world\'s wealth bring


You were redeemed with precious blood

Of Christ, it a cleansing flood

He as a lamb, no blemish, spot

His atonement our perfect lot


He truly was ordained before

Foundation of the world sure

But was shown in these last days for

You, to bring you salvation pure


By Christ you do in God believe

He raised from dead, no deceive

God raised Him, and gave Him glory

That in God our faith, hope might be