Himanshi Yadav

Pretty Face

It may be black or white or red or brown,
Or it may have lots of injuries,
It won\'t matter if you have a heart as big as a town,
You may also not need surgeries.

I am open-minded and I really don\'t care,
But want to know why nowadays there is face surgeries\' race?
Is it a way of showing how rich you are,
Or is it just for a pretty face?

If you have a heart of gold,
No one will point out your pimples.
Show the world how great you are,
Then it won\'t matter if you have dimples or wrinkles.

Why fake being pretty for he or she,
Just love yourself and you\'ll be quite happy.
Happiness is what everyone chases,
And It\'s hiding right there in your heart and not in pretty faces.

If you want to know who the most beautiful person is,
Stand in front of the mirror and gaze,
Give a smile and you\'ll find it out,
You have the prettiest smile and the prettiest face.