
Three Kicks The Mule

three kicks the mule

inside to out

to the gold of geese

the tin that drives the ear.

came her and he

she of aniseed on dancing glass.

he of wise;  the cutting man;

off both heads to the Heron\'s thigh

fly castle straight on flesh-wind to the chimes of log and cinder,

that burns the fleas

the flowers of the brain.

runs backwards;  folded arms on swaying bridge of twig,

one soul to solder sky and beak to locking jaw,

one soul to live as armpit to the tongue;

three strands of grease

to man-machine the engines of our hair,

more darker than the black-hole to the shaft;

 the craft of fayre that flavours thorn

rides gun-shot through the hot-house

to the ice of stone no man will kiss, nor ever tell,

tall tales of beards on rat\'s tail,

ghouls on stilts with hemoglobin books

to spread as seed on mermaid hooks

hanging blind as heaven hangs a lie;

three kicks the mule;

the space beyond the years;

Orion has her belt,

 manicured and buckled;