furious hatred leaves us so divided,
comments section where i find myself confided
instead today ill write a poem, i decided,
hope it will help when my head starts to spin
i heard a kid today brought a pistol to school
knowing a cop would judge, jury and execute
his poor soul, end his life before his teens.
that kid feared god, there’s a serious fear in me
that this godless nation can be pretty obscene
to its starved and stuck, homeless and hopeless,
there’s a fear in me that i’ll go with the motions
well complaining about complacency
doesn’t change much does it,
i fear for my loved ones who don’t know of it
that they’re stuck too,
they’d do anything they could…
if only they knew
the extent to the godlessness, we’ve achieved a lot
set the ocean on fire, built the biggest of bombs
that is until the biggest one we have goes off,
we’ve burned forests to make a fortress
for all of our connivence, we ignore war to discuss
women who have a penis.
we’ve achieved so much but look what we’ve got
we’ve maximized brain rot,
a phone in my pants, when not in my hands
social distance, a sickness leaves me afraid
with medical precision advertisements are made
while medical supplies and bodies fill graves
the stitches in our clothes sewed by slaves
the riches we “own” is merely our wage
it’s self evident, the monsters self satirizing,
it makes me fear how i’m supposed to behave