
Wish upon

Wishes are like bubbles on street 

Rise up high 

but break on a single touch of mine 

wishes are like helium filled balloon 

I strongly hold 

but a sudden gush of wind 

blows it over side 

holding courage inside 

I wish upon 

wish upon a fallen eyelash 

wish upon a flying aircraft to deliver my message to Almighty 

wish upon a shooting star

wish upon a birthday candle 

wish upon an auspicious sign 

wish upon a coin 

wish beside the wishing well

wish upon the knots of thread 

wish upon the locks on sacred places 

wish upon stones

wish in a church 

wish over a full moon

sometimes wish upon scared thread 

for years 

to meet my dreams 

I wish upon numerous things 

years pass by 

my wishes don’t come alive 

suddenly my adult self

laughs over the child inside 

don’t wish upon 

start working hard from tonight 

I stop wishing on anything beside 

I start to work again 

alas my wishes still drift away 

like fluffy clouds in air

the child inside shakes hand with the adult outside 

now I decide 

to work hard 

now I decide to wish upon 

all things again 

lest live it all 

for God to decide 

To grant my wishes overnight