Vamsi Sudha

Language of Nature

The fierce rays of Sun shine Aloft, 
Is it Anger, Wrath on Mother Nature brought About?

Earth  bears  it\'s fierce, with all its quiet Might,
Stays silent, and awaits for time so Right.

Lands parched, earth silently engulfs the Heat,
And awaits the Ubiquitous one\'s response, the silent message Sent.

Silent message heard, Nature responds, with billow of Clouds..
Shower with all might and vigor impartially on rocks and Mounds..

Parched lands cry out loud overflowing in Gratitude,
Giving life to hidden secrets in their beds Subdued.

New life blossoms silently, riving layers of earth from Nowhere,
Giving life to new hopes and aspirations Everywhere..

Inner secrets, soaked with happiness, spring to the Surface,
Splitting into two, with Namaskara mudraa to the Almighty in Deepest Reverence.

They grow silently in Meditation,
Eventually nourishing a whole new Generation.

So lose not hope, on situations Rugged,
Power of silence will surely be Heard.

Because it\'s nothing but the Powerful...
Language of Nature...…..