Vamsi Sudha


Smile, the curve that sets everything Right,
Start of a conversation, and makes it Bright.
A Smile on the cheerful Face,
Makes things smooth with Grace.

Happiness and Sadness, a coin\'s Two Sides,
However poignant may be the Tides.
It takes all the courage to Face it with a Smile,
As it’s really worth more than a Dime.

Sickly, sober, anxious, worried look is Man-made,
Happy, Cheerful, smiling, radiant is God-made.
No one teaches a baby to Smile,
A Natural State of heart, without Vile.

Just as the most needed is Sunshine, all the While
A Human’s needed fortune, a cheerful heartful Smile.
This is riches, blesses the possessor with Treasure,
Also, everyone whom he associates, beyond Measure.

Scatter the flowers of Kindness and Smile,
We are “never” fully dressed without a Smile.
Needs no introduction, A Wearer of Smile,
Because, he knows life is Worthwhile.

So, Smile your way in Life Through,
And see how the world, reciprocates You.
A Priceless Ornament, which cannot be Purloined,
As it’s a reflection of Heart, which is Conjoined.  

 Smile - God’s Greatest gift to mankind
Spread the charm, leaving everything behind.
Keep Smiling!!!