
The wrong train

A cold day 

fortunately greeted with sunny afternoon 

as usual the protagonist was late 

rushing after the metro train 

so confused was she 

she boarded the wrong train 

or was it the destination wasn’t the same 

the one with her intention to go 

she sat patiently looking out 

to change the metro at next platform 

a guy similar to her age 

also boarded the wrong train 

the two strangers started the conversation 

about the right destination 

to take the right train 

Their conversation proceeded 

with the weather outside 

to politics running the newspaper inside 

the regions they came from 

turned out that they were miles apart 

yet the strangers shared some accord 

they talked out about their dreams 

one wished to be a change maker 

while the other wishes to be writer 

they talked and debated all while 

only to notice they have to go a long way 

So engrossed in each other 

they forgot to change their way 

continued to wrong destination 

sometimes wrong trains can take a long way 

and one finds right person on the wrong way