Paul Bell


She thought it a very strange sensation

Watching the man on platform 5

Then she pushed him in front of the 1505 express

That pretty blond girl with the selfie stick

The one that every guy desires, yeah, that one

She stabbed her seven times

It felt so real, her head was buzzing

Her nagging neighbour

She could see herself choking the life out of her

God, what a high

The ex-boyfriend who called her the bitch from hell

The garden fork entered his neck

Take those words back, she screamed

She realised the fork in his neck was stopping him from speaking

She pulled it out, he seemed like he was sorry alright

What euphoria, it was like her subconscious was in total overdrive

She watched as ten police cars screamed to a halt outside her building

Jesus, what crazy bastard are they after this time

She couldn’t wait to see who it was

The excitement was overwhelming….