
You Are Not The Sea

You Are Not The Sea

It pulls at my restless soul as though it were the sea

Causing high tides and low inside of me

At times I just want to gaze at it and howl

At other times it makes me moan and growl

Its pull is the greatest whenever it\'s full and round

It rises and falls without ever making a sound

Waxing and waning as it travels in and out

Mystically it orbits in its celestial route

It carries much lore and mythical tales

As if it somehow can even cast spells

But its influence is limited to what we believe is true

Because in reality it has no power over you

When depression rises and anxiety is full

And the tide is high within you because of its pull

When you want to howl in misery\'s hold

Don\'t believe its lies, don\'t give up or fold

It is not the moon and you are not the sea

It cannot determine your destiny

So yes, acknowledge that it is there

And that it haunts you at times, you can share

But resist its pull and don\'t let it win

You have too much to offer to pack it in

Don\'t let it define you or hold you down

Because your impact on others will be profound

You Are Not The Sea