

Sure, you can lay here, in my garden, so long as you don\'t, ya\' know, mind the \"Madness\"


I didn\'t invite you, but why not come, plant down and flirt at me by my bed as the sun passes


Do you trust your nature? Don\'t do well under heat? Would you like some time to freshen up bud? You\'re not a catch yet nor very gallent


I won\'t care what you do. You can root for yourself, because I\'m 120% sure you wouldn\'t survive a change in season


You should try though, don\'t be so stiff. Rise, reach, buzz and branch about! Join me under the sun. Let\'s see if you bloom something that catches this Venus trap\'s attention


Vine to the top! Then we\'ll fuck around sans grieves regrets or doubts in our action. Don\'t shiver stagnate, you\'ll never make use of sadness! Let\'s fever in style! Now head to the \"Garden of Madness!\"