Fay Slimm.





Key-stone of much conformity
hides in banality while
trite persuasion phrases straight
formalized lines.

Break with staid and let oddity 
strip tightly laced
then unrestraint is able to better  
stretch credulity.


Twist to catch lateral sidedness 
fly into new ground
think more about quirky and less 
on the accepted. 

Keeping an ear close to authentic 
will norm. respect  
yet the less trodden adds flavour 
to what is poetic.

Sail out of usual, bathe in oddity
find rarer anomaly,
peruse free-style then decide on
being less ordinary.

Leave safe-shore solidity, sound
down the lateral,
adopt mind-set of dissimilarity,
and try fresh ground.


Breach convention, invite insight,

turn mental somersaults,

violate customary,

peer squint-eyed, allow curiosity

when Muse takes over,

original will then seek to unlock 

lines for aspiring poets.