

There\'s a Darkside of me hidden from the world,

Somewhere deep inside my heart like a ball its curled;

I don\'t show it to everyone, Am I ashamed?

But it\'s my Darkside as it is named;

No one wants to show the world their flaws,

Still deep inside this side of me glows;

I am unaware myself of it,

I\'ll accept it someday hope still lit;

No, i am not bad,

This side is full of failures I ever had;

Still, a question lingers in my brain,

By hiding some part of it what do I gain?

Perfect is boring some say,

To overcome this, accepting this side is the only way;

Why such insecurity is developing its roots,

You won\'t know the pain unless you step in the same boots;

Everyone has their dark version buried somewhere deep inside,

Why is it expected to hide?

I am proud of who I am,

You find me imperfect, I won\'t give a damn;

Why this version of me plays hide and seek,

It is the proof I am not weak;

Yeah, you heard it right,

It depicts my never-ending might;

I have fought those battles and faced them courageously,

Doesn\'t matter I won or lost but I went through it graciously;

I concluded its not my darkest side;

Instead, it\'s the brightest one which doesn\'t need to hide;

It is just I refused to face this version of mine,

But isn\'t it how I was crafted by the divine;

Why chase perfection,

I guess my vision needs expansion;

Everyone is awesome in their own way,

You never know if your smile makes someone\'s day;

If there is dark, there will be light too,

How to portray, it depends on you;

You don\'t need validation from anyone here,

Someone is always there for you to cheer;

You just need a group of right mates,

There is a hidden blessing for you that waits;

Having some flows is never wrong,

There is always someone to complete your unfinished song;

You would no longer need that suffocating mask,

The universe will shower you with love in which you\'ll bask;

You will be surprised how perfect is God\'s timing,

Every event in your life will end up rhyming;

My dear Darkside you don\'t need to hide anymore,

That page of judgement is what I just tore;

Who are these people to judge you,

When you know they have their own share of flaws too;

Come my Darkside, let me embrace you,

To improve, first I need to chase you;

Embrace your Darkside, my dear reader,

I bet, You\'ll come out as a leader;

I am here to boost your confidence,

You have a beautiful rhythm on which only you can dance;

Let me tell you, you make a difference,

In this path of growing, your insecurity is just a hindrance;

When your heart tells let go,

Don\'t listen to your ego which says no;

You have your own stage to shine,

Remember, you are a gorgeous crescent of mine;

When you feel overwhelmed just close your eyes,

You will hear that notorious demon\'s defeating sighs;

It\'s your turn to embrace your Darkside,

Knowing yourself is one interesting ride;)...