
It’s That Time Of Year

That Time Of Year

Leaves are falling, temperatures drop,

and certain sounds entertain the ear.

Pumpkin Spice at the local coffee shops

is announcing that it’s That Time of Year!

Colored with bright reds and subtle browns, the Earth is filled with cheer.

And the humidity drops further down

proclaiming to us, it’s That Time of Year!

Charlie Brown and Lucy are quite a pair

waiting for The Great Pumpkin to appear.

Corn mazes and hay bales are everywhere

signaling to us, it’s That Time of The Year!

Carnivals and candy apples to share

with football and festivals to draw us near.

The smell of leaves burning fills the air,

because it’s now, That Time of Year!

The seasons can change in a heartbeat

it’s summer and then winter is here.

You may feel like your life is on repeat,

but there is hope,… it’s That Time of Year!