Trever Stradley

His name was L.o.S.t.

There once was a boy who was never taught to be a man.

He wandered alone in a complex land.

The journey towards manhood was arduous and rough.

With few mentors to guide him he wandered lost in the forest.

For years he was alone with only the stars as his guide.

He wandered aimlessly through life,

no purpose by his side,

a lack of meaning in his eyes.

He gave himself a nickname.

An acronym to be exact.

Laughing old soul traveling,

L.o.S.t. on the path.


He longed for death as he searched for life.

He saw brokenness in the world,

but he saw joy in people’s eyes.

He knew there was hope inside his unbeatable mind.

He survived off empathy and kindness

as he searched for the light.

He was weary of the stars.

He longed for the suns guiding light.

The warmth of a new day.

The blue sky inside his mind.


L.o.S.t. was not alone.

He saw himself in the people around him.

He realized all of life was his teacher.

Every human was a mentor.

Every interaction filled with possibility.


Over time the boy started to grow

from a boy into a man.

A man standing on the horizon.

The sun finally rising.

The fog slowly dissipating.

Shining light on a new day.