Paul Bell

The Vultures Dance

Timelike and the decaying bodies piled high cease to amuse the vultures now


Single shots give the rebels confidence


They attack in force


Heavy machine gun fire from the west toss bodies into the air like rag dolls




Vultures  tearing at eyes of the dead and dying


Bullets to precious for mercy


The night brings natures other cleaners


Muffled scream heightens the reactions as night vision survey death in technicolour


The ponderous wait continues


Stroking metal like some sex provoking act


Followed only by counting lives little savers, bullets of love


The vultures dance impatiently


The stroking intensifies


Hairs stand erect as movement waves majestically towards its final objective


A sudden calm unfolds


Nature watches in awe as love is unleashed in her garden for the final time


The call to bayonets now takes man down to his lowest form of savagery  


Eyes now meet, screaming death the ferocious last act of  men past the point of madness


Blood flows as metal slices through skin and bone, swaying death the final frenzy as screams die the day\'s end


Men cry as they survey the last atrocity of human barbarity


Battle ended, vultures marvel feasting on the final meal


Battle-hardened men massacre memories  leaving Celebrations a distant Country as blood-red hands refuse to wash