

I sit and watch the broad sky darkening,
wondering why
I can\'t see the exact moment
when the blue turns to black.
The petals of a rose
so slow;
revealing the heart at the core
of the flower
ready to be ravished.
Yet still, we never see
the moment the bud becomes full flower,
the moment spring becomes summer,
the precise instant a wrinkle
is formed on smooth, untroubled skin.
I count all mine and know where I got them;
the moments that caused them,
but that instant the crack starts to appear
is lost to me,
beyond what I can see;
happening not
through the passage of time
but apart from it & in spite of it.
Meanwhile the sky becomes a paler blue
before it darkens like a bruise.
The thin, velvet clouds are purple
& transparent.
A pinkish tinge
on the belly of the lower clouds points
towards the sinking sun.
Those clouds thin & dapple at the edges,
slowly breaking apart
& then I blink & it is dark.
There are some things
I would like to look upon forever
& tomorrow, the sun will rise slightly later
& so it goes.